Gemischter Salatteller.
You can have Gemischter Salatteller using 12 ingredients and 2 steps. Here is how you cook that.
Ingredients of Gemischter Salatteller
- Prepare 1 Handvoll of Rucola.
- You need 150 g of Gouda.
- It's 1 Handvoll of Gemischter Salat.
- Prepare 50 g of Möhren, gestiftelt.
- Prepare 50 g of Kichererbsen.
- You need 1 große Handvoll of Cocktailtomaten.
- You need 50 g of Mais.
- It's 0.5 of Salatgurke.
- You need 1 Pck. of Knorr Salatfix.
- You need 50 g of Salatnussmix.
- Prepare of Knoblauchdressing nach Bedarf.
- You need of Salz, Pfeffer.
Gemischter Salatteller step by step
- Alles in einer Schüssel gut durchmischen..
- Frisch servieren..